How Jesus Relates to the Father

How Jesus Relates to the Father

The understanding of the Trinity has remained one of the most contradictory aspects in the history of Christianity. It took more than four centuries for the church to reach an agreement on what God the Father and the Son imply. The meaning of the two and their interrelationship require a deeper reading and reflection of the Bible verses. The contradiction dates years back to the time of the Jews, when they wanted to stone Jesus for claiming He was God. Most significantly, Jesus could tell people that their sins are forgiven, although this attribute was only reserved for God. Jesus often said that He and the Father represented a unity, as indicated in John 10:30. Both the Son and the Father are one God, but not autonomously different Gods. It is one God but in the form of the Father and in the form of the Son. The father and the Son relate through the Holy Spirit, and they never separate. We interact with them both contemporaneously, but not with the Father and the Son individually. The Holy Spirit lives within us is the form of the Father and the Son (John 14:23). However, in our daily Christian lives and as it is stated in the New Testament, the Father significantly interacts with us through the Son. This paper seeks to clarify the interaction of the humankind with the Father through the Son. This paper asserts that Jesus relates to the Father through connecting humankind to His will.

Several scriptures and experiences in the real life make the issue of the Father and the Son a subject of contradiction. In the scriptures Jesus says that He is the Savior, but we know that the God is the only Savior. A contradiction arises regarding the fact whether or not God the Father is a man, who sacrificed His life for our sins. Jesus also said that He gave His life to people, and it leaves us with a question if He is the Father. Controversies increase, when people have to decide whether they should pray to God the Father or the Son (Webster 19). Among all these questions the biggest contradiction is why God the Father should relate to us through the Son and not Himself.

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These arguments can be explained by discussing how the Father relates to the Son. The Father works through the Son to expedite the process of salvation of humankind. In the Book of Acts 4:12, the Bible says that the name of Jesus is the only name, through which the humankind can be saved. God the Father honors no other name, faith, or religion except the name of Jesus the Son on matters of salvation. Jesus identifies Himself as the door that people must enter in order to get saved (John 10:9).

God the Father does not have a human nature. Therefore, He could not neither perfectly relate with humankind nor live with them. For this reason, God the Son came in the nature of flesh to live among people and to perform the mission of salvation to the world. The Son mediates between The God and a man. Jesus is related to the Father through a mediatory role. The Bible in the Book of 1Timothy 2:15 says that Jesus Christ, who offered Himself as a ransom, is the sole mediator between the God and humankind. Through his mediatory role, Jesus connects humankind to God the Father. Jesus identifies Himself as the true and the only way one can come to the Father (John 14:6).

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God the Father uses God the Son to demystify the process of reconciling humankind to the God. In the form of flesh Jesus explains and demonstrates the process of salvation in a way that humankind can better understand. Jesus uses various analogies to refer to salvation. In John 8:12, Jesus calls Himself the light of the World, through which people, who follow Him shall walk in the light of life. He also calls himself the living bread that descended from heaven. He says that those, who eat this bread, shall not thirst nor hunger. In this illustration, the Father demonstrates that through the Son He provides life in abundance with all the things people desire in their daily life (Alfsvåg302).

The Father interacts with us through the Son in order to restore us back to Him. From the beginning, the greatest mission of Christ was to reverse the effects of sin. The initial promise of the God to the people of Israel is that He would conquer enemies and bring blessings to humankind. For this purpose, God promised to bring a Savior, who is Christ. God had established a kingdom with the people of Israel, but it was destroyed because of disobedience.  The messiah was to restore the kingdom back to Israel.  As a part of the salvation story, God had to provide an example to people that they can live a life without sin. God the Son demonstrated this possibility, because he was in flesh and was born by a man. He lived with people and was tempted, but he did not sin. God had the intention of demonstrating to humankind that they can live a life of obedience and perfection. The climax of humankind’s return to God was Jesus’ death for the sins of people, because he possessed the sinful nature. He later rose from the dead and opened the way of salvation for all people. Through the nature of a human being, people could associate themselves with Christ, believe in baptism, and have their sins forgiven. They could then inherit eternal life that is God’s ultimate gift (Grobler 2).

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The Father relates to people through the Son to fortify their faith in God. The incarnation of God in man through Jesus is meant to impute righteousness by our association with Christ. Man can easily associate himself with a fellow man. In this respect, Christ lived among people and observed all the rites of Christian life and most significantly, baptism. Through Christ the God established processes that people could follow in order to seek forgiveness and approach the God. By sending Jesus to the human world God the Father demonstrated that men can get eternal life through living a life similar to that of Christ (Molnar 3).

The Father relates to us through Jesus in order to reveal Himself to a humankind better. Before Christ came to the world in the nature of a man, God revealed himself to people through dreams, prophets, visions, and divine influences. The revelation of God through Christ was superior to the former means. Jesus embodied the power and wisdom of God, while maintaining His human nature. God demonstrated that people can also behold the goodness, wisdom, and power of God. He also showed that the world can be protected from sin by the holiness, power, and wisdom, which Christ exhibited. The Father could better show his extension of grace to people through Christ. God revealed his goodwill to people by allowing His Son to suffer injuries in order to save people from destruction. Jesus was the clearest way, through which God could reveal his love to humankind. God the Father has also given Jesus the power to judge mankind. He lived among men, taught them the way of righteousness, and exhibited a sinless life on earth. If God the Father could take the responsibility of judging mankind, perhaps they could claim living a sinless life as impossible. The life of Jesus and His interaction with humankind places Him at the best position as a Judge during the Day of Judgment (Marti 257).

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The Father interacted with humankind through Jesus to get people’s attention in a better way. In the Old Testament before the birth of Jesus on earth, people gave various excuses for not listening to the voice of God. The ways, through which God communicated with people, such as dreams were hard to understand and interpret. Sometimes God used prophets, but they had personal weaknesses that could bar them from accessing the God. God the Father gained a greater attention of humankind by relating to people through Jesus. Jesus had the nature of a human being but was operating in the name of God. He had the power to teach, bless, and even forgive sins. The life of Jesus on earth had the greatest impact on bringing people’s attention to the God and His purpose in the world (Root 255).

God the Father relates to us through Christ to confirm His word and to show that He is alive. Throughout His life and teachings on earth, Jesus did not contradict the Bible. Instead, He fulfilled the words and desires of the God, as written in the Bible. God has much information to pass to people apart from that, which is contained in the Bible. Even to the present day, God reveals His intentions to people through Christ. The mission of Jesus on Earth was to eliminate any doubt that God is alive. He lived among us but exhibited superhuman powers to show that God was alive. By knowing and interacting with Jesus, people can practice living in the God’s presence (Salter 68).

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From the foregoing, it is evident that the Son and the Father are both God. The God is one but acting as the Father and Son at different interactions with Humankind. Though, the Son is not the Father. The two relate perfectly with a sole aim of drawing humankind closer to them. God’s sole purpose of salvation to bring back humankind to Himself is actionable through the Son. Christ demonstrates that He is God in different circumstances where he says that whoever has seen Him has seen God. The Son came from the father with a mission of reconciling people back to God. After accomplishing the mission, He ascended back to God and He is sitting in His right hand. In all these actions, the intention is the one: to bring salvation to humankind. All these aspects lead to a conclusion that Jesus relates to the Father by way of mediating Mankind to Him. Some Christians argue that Jesus is not God. Jesus clarified this contention by saying that anyone who has seen him has seen God. The Father and the Son are the same God but acting at different identities. The data assembled here shows that the Son identifies more with mankind. It then makes sense that the Father relates to us more effectively through the Son.

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