Global Health and Healthcare Issues

Global Health

Health care issues, more especially among children, have raised numerous concerns in the world. This is evident from the fact that different organizations, which deal with health issues, have joined their efforts in promoting children’s healthcare. In addition, various measures of improving health as well as procedures of eradicating deaths among children have been improvised in order to counter the present as well as future health challenges. The development of these measures has been caused by the fact that there has been high rate of death of infants as well as those children who have not yet reached the age of five. Even though special improvements have been made in the field of child healthcare, there is still a challenge in reducing these deaths.

Historical Perspectives

The history of the world as well as its economy forms a link to the health issues among the children of the world. This link has been created by the fact that children have been mostly affected during world wars by the chemical weapons, which were used in those wars, and those effects are still evident even now. The migration of people and the venturing into international trade of merchants have greatly increased issues about the environmental hygiene as well as the disposal of waste products, which later resulted in the outbreaks of various diseases. Therefore, in order to prevent these outbreaks as well as to improve the global healthcare system, different healthcare agencies have been put in place to promote awareness on the causes of diseases based on hygiene. On the other hand, the WHO has made an effort in holding discussions concerning the global children healthcare during international summits to come up with the measures that should be used to eradicate diseases among children (Holtz, 2016). Moreover, due to the influence that globalization has imposed on people, the UN has devised a Millennium declaration, whose main agenda is the reduction of children’s death rate across the world, and it is most likely to be achieved by 2026.

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Importance of Published Healthcare Disparities

The importance of published healthcare disparities lies in the fact that through them people are able to understand some of the inequality aspects faced by healthcare in the world. Some of these disparities include the gap in access to medical care between the poor and the rich, economic downfall of countries, which hinders access to healthcare, as well as low wages among the lower classes in society. In addition, the published healthcare disparities give a guideline on how the inequality in healthcare sector can be reduced as well the ways of how to avoid these inequalities. Despite the fact that many countries have embraced the advancements and innovations in different fields, such as medicine, transportation as well as industrial development, many people still suffer and die because of poverty and the little access they have to medical facilities. It is evident that children, who live in poverty conditions, are prone to diseases and even deaths because of poor healthcare. More of these deaths are evident in African countries since most of them are not yet developed (Mensah, 2014). Furthermore, Ortis (2012) posits that, in the world, not only do half of the children live in extremely poverty conditions but their rights as well as their freedom are also violated since most of them are forced to become employees in order to earn a living. This has promoted inequality in the sense that only the rich people in society are the one who receive better health care as compared to the poor who cannot afford better health care.

Formalized Regulatory Guidelines

Sometimes, children do not have the authority over the type of treatment that they should receive; therefore, parents are usually required to authorize the treatment of their children according to the medical regulatory guidelines. This is important in case of an emergency or a situation that may result to the death of a child. Therefore, when children are accompanied by their parents to hospitals, it becomes easy for the health professionals to act fast and freely during the process of treatment, thus saving life of a child in case of any danger (Sirbaugh & Diekem, 2011). Furthermore, parents are encouraged to seek medical attention as soon as their children start to show up signs of sickness, as this will reduce the number of deaths among children.

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Moral, Legal, or Ethical Issues in Global Healthcare

Child healthcare problems can be eradicated in the world through a worldwide healthcare campaign that should be centered on ethical values of health. These ethical values are usually represented by principles and roles as well as responsibility that bind both the global and the regional healthcare employees to be morally responsible in their work to achieve the common goals. Ethical values or principles will always require a healthcare worker to respect human life, value health, and administer drugs to people equally as well as assist the groups considered disadvantaged in society. In addition, ethical values should be observed in those people and children who undergo genetic testing to reduce the risks of causing damage to their genetic formations when they undergo some treatment (Friedman, 2013).

Healthcare Productivity and Economic Costs

The US government spends great amount of money on healthcare, which translates into 16 to 25% per child in a family with two children (Lino, 2014). Consequently, the lives of children are made much better, thus reducing the mortality rate of children. In addition, a federal tax has been created to help low-income families; thus, with this, poor families are able to afford medical care (Lino, 2014). Therefore, as the healthcare system focuses on improving quality and contain costs, there emerge new opportunities in reinventing the health services in order to improve healthcare care for children in low-income families in the first place.

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Burden of Chronic Care

Chronic care is mainly linked to people or children suffering from chronic diseases. Some of these diseases include asthma, heart conditions, and HIV/AIDS as well as obesity. The management of these chronic diseases costs many countries in the world significant money because the healthcare organizations of these countries must provide care to the patients with these diseases as well as supply them with necessary equipment. Children also find themselves struggling with these diseases, and this puts them at a risk of dying because they are not in a position to overcome many chronic diseases due to weak immune system of their bodies. The current lifestyle of people has led to the emergency of many chronic diseases; thus, more deaths of children in the world are caused by chronic diseases (Malone, 2016). The process of caring for patients with chronic diseases usually takes much time as well as the efforts of society that need to be spent more on these patients. Moreover, some patients are usually affected by more than one chronic disease; thus, they are administered with a combination of different drugs, which makes the caring process even more difficult. This happens because some drugs are not compatible during the administration process, which means that side effects can interfere with the caring process. Therefore, for effective treatment and cost reduction in the process of caring for chronic diseases, global health programs should be put in place to educate people on the importance living in a healthy lifestyle as well as the importance of detecting chronic diseases during earlier stages.


Children are more vulnerable to global healthcare problems; therefore, there is need for the different healthcare agencies to double their effort in the fight against diseases that cause deaths among children. There should also be awareness campaigns in place to educate people on how to prevent the spread of various diseases as well as how to embrace hygiene in their lives. Furthermore, healthcare workers should uphold ethical values in order to serve all people equally, as this would reduce the inequality between the poor and the rich. Developing countries, more especially in Africa, should advance in the field of medicine since this will lower the death rates of children, thus enhancing potential future leaders.


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